Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Reaction to Kelly Hines

What I take to be the key points of the Hines post is: Teachers need to be learners, not only adapting to technology, but also how children are learning and relating as a result of technology, and, teachers need to be taught how to do this. It really isn't about the technology; its about the students. Its about the institution of education becoming more user friendly. Its about changing the ways in which we are educating the educators. Its about relationships; involving how students relate to the modern world, how teachers relate to the modern world, and how teachers and students relate to one another, in the modern world. People learn differently, and there are many ways to learn, but being able to relate to material is essential to the learning process and should be the focus of every educator.

1 comment:

  1. I think you summed up my intentions with "It's Not About the Technology" better than I could have. Thanks for taking the time and effort to respond.

    - Kelly Hines
