Sunday, September 27, 2009

What I learned

The advice Mr. McClung had to offer was easy to comprehend, straightforward and all that, what it wasn't, however, is anything new or interesting. Don't just tell me to be reasonable, give me an example of a particular instance when you were unreasonable and how you either became reasonable or completely lost out on a critical teaching moment and then tell me what you would now do differently if you had the chance. That takes care of two of your criteria already; I now know what it is to be reasonable, how to use it properly, and I've "never stopped learning." McClung mentioned that he had trouble with his communication skills; wouldn't it have been great if he offered a personal story about how his trouble with communication affected a learning moment? Don't tell me teachers need to work on their communication skills, tell me what you do to help the problem. This guy teaches elementary school and apparently that is the audience he is blogging to as well. There is no real sound advice here, just a bunch of fluff, with nothing to be gained or learned from it. I've seen better, more practical advice written on a bathroom stall-door. I don't know, maybe there is something to learn from his other posts, but based on the one i just read, probably not.

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